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Making a payment on the Deposit page

On the Deposit page, you will see the available payment options for your network.

We work only on a pre-payment basis and the minimum payment for all payment methods is 50 USD. Funds are added instantly.

Viewing your payments

Click on the Invoices button on the Deposit page, you can see all the payments that you have made.

Downloading and printing PDFs of your invoices

To download or print PDFs of your invoices, click the View button on the right side of the invoice which you want to download or print.

You will then see a PDF of the invoice. Click DOWNLOAD PDF to save a copy to your computer and click PRINT to print it.

Available Payment methods

BTC, LTC, DOGE, Monero, Ethereum ERC20 (ETH), Tron TRC20 (USDT, USDC, TRX).