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Conversion Tracking

On the Conversion Tracking page, you can create Conversion Goals to track the performance of your campaigns. These goals allow you to track your customer's progress and actions through your funnel (e.g. reaching a landing page, sign-up, sale).

We offer two ways of conversion tracking:

Before choosing a conversion tracking method, make sure to create a Conversion Goal first. The steps to create a Conversion Goal are the same for both methods.

Creating a Conversion Goal

On the Conversion Tracking page, click on the New Conversion Tracking button. The form to create a new conversion contains the following:

  • Name: The name of the conversion goal.

  • Conversion Value: The payout of the conversion. Used to determine the Revenue, Profit and ROI (Return on Investment) of the campaigns that use this goal in their funnel. You can choose from the following options:

    • No Value No amount will be associated with the goal when logged.
    • Fixed: A fixed amount provided by you will be associated with the goal when logged.
    • Dynamic: A dynamic amount will be associated with the goal when logged.
  • Order: The place in which this goal's results will be displayed in regards to the other goals in your account. For example, if you set the order as 2, this Conversion Goal will be displayed second (from left to right) in the Conversions Panel from your Campaigns List and your Stats.


If you set up multiple goals with the same Order, the oldest goal will be placed first in the order of stats (from left to right).

Once you have selected all the settings for this Conversion Goal, click Create. Every Conversion Goal you create in your account has a unique ID which will be used to associate the user action to the corresponding Goal.

After creating the goal, you will be able to choose the Conversion tracking method you wish to use for this goal.

Using Conversion Tracking API - S2S (Recommended)

The recommended option for conversion tracking. Used to notify EnsoClick's servers from your tracking solution or affiliate platform whenever a conversion is made.

Step 1: Adding the {conversions_tracking} token to your Campaign URL

In order to notify the conversion to our server, you will need to get the {conversions_tracking} string from your campaign (often known as Click ID or External ID). To do this, access your campaign settings and Add a {conversion_tracking} token to your landing page when creating or editing a campaign.

add conversion tracking tag

Your landing page should look like the following:


Make sure to preceed this token with the appropriate parameter to identify Click IDs or External IDs. In this example, we used the parameter ensotracker as an example. The real parameter you must use to define {conversions_tracking} will depend on your server or the tracking solution you have.

When a customer clicks on your ad, we will populate this conversion tracking token with a unique ID. You will need to store this ID for reference when calling the Postback URL. Here is how the unique ID looks like:


the unique ID from {conversions_tracking} has a minimum length of 100 characters and a maximum of 200 characters. Make sure you are able to receive and return the complete string.

Step 2: Calling the Postback URL

You can get the Postback URL from your Conversion Goal on the Conversions tracking page from the User Panel, after choosing Conversion Tracking API - S2S as your tracking method. Our Postback URL has the following structure:


When a user in your funnel generates a conversion, your server will have to perform an HTTP GET call to this Postback URL. Make sure that you replace the XXXXXXXXX value with the unique ID generated by the {conversions_tracking} token in your campaign every time a new conversion is generated in your offer.

If your Conversion Goal has Dynamic value, make sure to add &value=YYYYYYY to your Postback URL, where YYYYYYY is the monetary value of your offer. If you are promoting an affiliate offer, please double-check with them what token you should use to pass payouts.


Postback URL responses

When your server calls our Postback URL, it can get one of the following responses:

OKThe request is OK. Conversion has been registered
ERROR: Tag is invalid!The format of the conversions_tracking ID is not correct.
ERROR: No tag data.The conversion_tracking ID is missing.
ERROR: Goal ID is invalid.The format of the Goal ID is not correct. Goal IDs are 32 characters of hexadecimal (0-9, a-f).
ERROR: No Goal ID.The tag or Goal ID is missing.

Using Pixel Tracking

If you select Pixel Tracking as your tracking method, you will get a pixel tracking script that you can copy-paste to the website you want to track. Our Pixel Tracking script looks like the following:

<!-- START EnsoClick Goal Tag | Fixed goal -->
<script type="application/javascript" src="//" data-goal="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"></script>
<!-- END EnsoClick Goal Tag | Fixed goal -->

If the Conversion Goal has a Dynamic value then you will see an extra parameter as "data-value" in order to provide the dynamic monetary value. You need to dynamically replace the value "{conversion_value}":

<!-- START EnsoClick Goal Tag | Dynamic goal -->
<script type="application/javascript" src="//" data-goal="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" data-value="{conversion_value}"></script>
<!-- END EnsoClick Goal Tag | dynamic goal -->

Click Copy to copy this script, so you can paste it onto the relevant pages on your site. Make sure to paste the code in the <body> tag of your site.

For best results, consider creating multiple Pixel goals so as to track the various steps of your campaign funnel. Here is an example set up you can try:

  • Pixel n°1 on your main landing page.
  • Pixel n°2 on your product checkout page.
  • Pixel n°3 on the "thank you" page after the purchase has been made.

In order to prevent users from repeatedly refreshing the page where the Pixel Tracking script is located, the conversion will be recorded repeatedly, we will only record the first conversion. If you want to record the conversion more accurately, we recommend you use the S2S method.