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My campaign got rejected. Why?

Most campaigns are approved shortly after they are created. However, if you don't follow our guidelines, your campaign will be rejected.


Any campaign (Pending Approval, Paused and Running) can be rejected at anytime. Campaigns are reviewed constantly 24/7 by our Compliance team.

Attempts to bypass our guidelines could result in your account being suspended or even closed. Please be make sure to monitor your campaign and its advertising materials, both during submission and while receiving traffic.

Below you will find a list of the most common rejection reasons.

Rejection reasons

Account Verification in progress. We will contact you within 24hrs

Used when a new or returning advertiser requires verification, but it's normally completed within 24hrs.

Wrong category selected

The materials you used are not suitable for the categories you selected

Banner/Landing Page contains or promotes an illegal/banned product

Landing page not loading

There’s a technical problem in your variation or landing page, making them not visible to our Compliance team at the time of review.

Landing page not 18 U.S.C.2257 compliant

The models featured look too young and no disclaimer is visible on the banner or the landing page.

Campaign contains rapidly flashing/blinking banners

While we permit slow moving blinking/flashing banners and are labelled as such, faster blinking/flashing banners are not allowed.

You cannot use marketing material (images, branding, pages or texts) where we have received a DMCA claim to those materials or it's clear you do not have copyright.

Landing page or product offered contains Malware

Repeated rejections for this reason may result in your account being suspended or closed. Please take such rejections very seriously!

How can I get my campaign approved again?

If you need help with a campaign rejection, please contact our Compliance team here