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The Campaigns List

In the Campaigns List, you can create, delete and organize your campaigns into groups. You can also archive, edit, and pause for individual or multiple campaigns.

Filtering the campaigns list

You can filter the campaigns list in several ways:

  • Select a group from the Groups drop-down to show in the list (See Campaign Groups below).
  • Select status in the Statuses drop-down menu to show in the list. Choose from Active, Paused, or Archived.
  • You can also search campaigns by Name, ID number, and Type (the name of the ad format it uses).

When you have chosen your filtering options, click the Search button to the right of the filtering options. Click Reset to start again.

Campaign Groups

The Groups feature allows you to organize campaigns and put them into groups based on your chosen criteria. It is especially useful if there are a large number of campaigns that you need to keep track of.

You can group campaigns by country, type of product, device targeted, and many other criteria.

Creating a new group

To create a new group, click on the Campaigns. In the Campaign List section, click the NEW GROUP button.


Keeping the group name short will ensure that it’s fully visible in the Campaigns List page.

Assigning a campaign to a group

Select the campaign or campaigns you want to add to a group and select the group you want to add to from the Groups drop-down menu then click Set.

Campaign Statuses

The Campaigns List will show you the status of your campaigns in the Status column.

ArchivedCampaigns that have been archived. You will only see these campaigns if Archived is selected in Show Statuses.
PausedThe campaign has been paused, using the pause button on the right side of the Campaigns List. You will only see these campaigns if Paused is selected in Show Statuses.
ActiveThe campaign is running.
PendingThe campaign is not running because it has not yet been approved.
RejectedThe campaign has been rejected.
CompletedThe campaign has reached the total number of impressions that you set it to achieve.

When Daily Budget has been reached, it will be reset at 00:00 from our server time, which is UTC time zone.